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Форум "Создай себя сам" - 2015

Дата проведения: 29.10.15-31.10.15

Город: Краснодар

Организаторы: ООО "КраснодарЭКСПО"

Рубрики: Образовательный форум

Культура и искусство. Информационные технологии и коммуникации. Общество.


  • Администрация Краснодарского края
  • Министерство образования и науки Краснодарского края
  • ООО "КраснодарЭКСПО"

Форум проходит при поддержке и содействии:

  • Департамента труда и занятости населения Краснодарского края
  • Министерства здравоохранения Краснодарского края
  • Министерства культуры Краснодарского края
  • Министерства физической культуры и спорта Краснодарского края

Основные тематические разделы:

  • Образование:
    • начальное профессиональное образование (профессиональные училища и лицеи)
    • среднее профессиональное образование (колледжи, техникумы, музыкальные, художественные, хореографические училища)
    • высшее образование (университеты, академии, институты)
    • послевузовское образование (аспирантуры, докторантуры)
    • дополнительное образование (образовательные центры, учебно-производственные комбинаты, курсы, центры творческого развития)
  • Трудоустройство:
    • районные и городские центры занятости населения
    • кадровые агентства, рекрутинговые компании
    • компании - работодатели
    • социальные партнёры
  • Спорт в образовании:
    • спортивные школы, спортивные клубы
    • спортивный инвентарь, оборудование, тренажёры
    • спортивная одежда, обувь, аксессуары
    • наградная продукция, атрибутика
  • Индустрия образования:
    • мебель для образовательных учреждений
    • учебная техника и лабораторное оборудование
    • учебно-наглядные пособия
    • столярно-слесарные мастерские
    • оборудование для комбинатов общественного питания в образовательных учреждениях
    • канцелярские принадлежности
  • Информационные технологии в образовании:
    • центры и программы дистанционного обучения
    • программное обеспечение для образовательных учреждений
    • мультимедийные, аудио-, видеосредства обучения
    • интерактивные устройства обучения
    • компьютерная техника
    • оборудование для компьютерных классов
  • Книжный мир:
    • учебно-методическая литература, пособия
    • учебники и специализированные издания
    • научная литература, справочники, словари, энциклопедии
    • художественная литература
    • детская литература (сказки, развивающие пособия)
    • газеты, журналы
    • календари, альбомы, открытки
    • школьно-письменные принадлежности
    • бумажно-беловая продукция
    • библиотеки
  • Образование за рубежом:
    • учебные заведения зарубежных стран (университеты, колледжи, частные школы)
    • программы обучения иностранным языкам на всех уровнях системы образования (от дошкольного до высшего профессионального)
    • студенческие рабочие программы
    • краткосрочные языковые программы
    • корпоративное обучение и тренинги
    • стажировка и трудоустройство за рубежом
    • образовательный туризм

Режим работы:

  • 29-30 октября с 9:00 до 17:30
  • 31 октября с 10:00 до 16:30
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Charliepred [31.05.2017 17:28:07]

A too sure of himself main narrator bumps into an old storyteller whose tales open up the main narrator to a wider sense of the world, of possibility and, most of all, to the city in which the tales are set: Bomba. [url=http://telechargement-livre-gratuit.northtransfer.com/telecharger-un-livre/decitre-4-1899-excurs ions_de_chez_nous_en_autocar.pdf]excursions de chez nous - en autocar pdf[/url] He represents more than 100 fiction writers in the SF, fantasy, crime, mystery, romance and thriller categorie.
I can't spill it all, but Annwyn was different, and I liked what she did there.Romance and a man caught between two world. [url=http://ebook-gratuit-pdf.proventusbioscience.com/telecharger-livre-epub-gratuit/decitre-42-3846- victimes_du_pr%C3%A9sent_vic%3Cbr%20/%3Etimes_du_pass%C3%A9_vers_la_sociologie_des_v%3Cbr%20/%3Eicti mes.pdf]victimes du présent, victimes du passé - vers la sociologie des victimes pdf[/url] Jackson has been nominated twice for Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Awards, winning in 2005 in the Best Medieval Romance category for Temptress.One by one, he'll stalk them, then he'll squeeze the trigger, savoring the way each lifeless body crumples to the reddening sno.
Unfortunately, I find that the humor often falls a bit flat, and there really does not seem to be enough of a plot to support a whole novel in the manner that it is being presente. [url=http://www.telecharger-livre-gratuit-pour-liseuse.lumi9.org/decitre-24-1567-l_hexam%C3%A8tre_de_ quintilien.html]Edna BuchananEdna Buchanan knew she wanted[/url] Echols knows what she's writing about with the teenage world and while the book started just good for me, it turned to be amazin.
Its a joy to read out loud with dialog that never stalls -except in the most ingenious way..so that words dangle in the air after they are spoke. [url=http://telecharger-livre-gratuit-pour-tablette.proventusbioscience.com/livre-audio-en-ligne-grat uit/decitre-38-3161-le_livre_de_ma_m%C3%A8re.pdf]le livre de ma mère pdf[/url] Now yesterday I decided to check the sample again and either buy or delete...wups, sucked in after I had been over that point right in the beginning where I had jumped off the last tim.
Julia got a chuckle or two out of it and for such simple illustrations we both really enjoy looking through the Loppy Coop Hens books but the story lost something somewhere.We have yet to read any of the Minerva Louise books (as far as I can remember) and I don't know that I'll specifically find them.I hope this was the end of these hens and that Stoeke finds something else. [url=http://ebook-to-pdf.dallascove.com/telecharger-ebook-pdf-gratuit/decitre-33-3768-le_tr%C3%B4ne_d e_fer_a_game_of_thrones_tome_11.pdf]le trã´ne de fer tome 11 pdf[/url] The creativity of the writers astounds me - the lengths they've went to create a detailed history, culture, and profile of a fictional tow.
There is a much heavier focus on Europe and the Middle East than there is on most of the southern hemisphere - but this is not a weaknes. [url=http://www.the-best-book-source.umoclending.com/computer-reference/decitre-42-2833-recherche_qua litative_en_marketing_perspective_psychoscopique.pdf]Out of nowhere, Catherine (also from[/url] Sex scenes are glossed over or mentioned matter of factly in passing, nothing that should make anyone blus.
Now I need to figure out if there's still more to read, because this kind of ended like there wa. [url=http://www.the-wedding-nicholas-sparks-ebooks-free-download.umoclending.com/alternate-universe/d ecitre-34-813-qcm_de_raisonnement_abstrait_des_concours_des_institutions_europ%C3%A9ennes_une_m%C3%A 9thodologie_et_180_questions_avec_corrig%C3%A9.pdf]qcm de raisonnement abstrait des concours des institutions européennes - une méthodologie et 180 questions avec corrigé pdf[/url] She gets in all kinds of trouble and the hero marries her to keep her out of troubl.
Anderson gives a nice recap of the previous book in the beginning of this book, which was a good reminder for m. [url=http://www.free-download-ebooks-of-physical-chemistry.naturesoddities.com/graphic-novels/decitre -30-4907-un_soir_de_d%C3%A9cembre.pdf]He’s morose and haunted, harboring a[/url] As the book draws to a close, Mayes asks rhetorically, "Doesn't everything reduce .
I was torn between the over sanitisation in the novel and the possibility that it would be unbearably graphi. [url=http://telecharger-livre-gratuit-pour-tablette.proventusbioscience.com/livre-audio-en-ligne-grat uit/decitre-22-2893-l_instrument_de_marine.pdf]I'm really liking this series so[/url] The story of how Amber's friends try bring her back to life is heart-aching and powerful, and makes a wonderful, fresh and intense reading experienc.
I was born for this.)It could be a Mariel book that is so much a Mariel book that it is not so much anymor. [url=http://ebook-gratuit-pdf.proventusbioscience.com/telecharger-livre-epub-gratuit/decitre-8-4156-n orme_nf_en_iso_19011_lignes_directrices_pour_l_audit_des_syst%C3%A8mes_de_management.pdf]norme nf en iso 19011 lignes directrices pour l'audit des systèmes de management pdf[/url] My thanks to Bantam Books, an imprint of Random House Publishing Group.
I don't think that after the war anything would return to normal for hi. [url=http://telecharger-ebook-pdf-gratuit.fiercefemininemastermind.com/ebook-gratuit-francais-pdf/dec itre-21-2601-entre_la_croix_et_le_croissant_les_notaras_une_grande_famille_de_m%C3%A9diterran%C3%A9e _orientale.pdf]A plot to perhaps kill the[/url] If it weren't for him, there'd be no Harry Dresden and probably no urban fantas.
As most of you know from reading my blog, I entered into a fast at the beginning of the year with my churc. [url=http://www.communications-ebooks-free-download.umoclending.com/neuroscience/decitre-20-1396-302_ techniques_avanc%C3%A9es_pour_rendre_fou_un_homme.pdf]302 techniques avancées pour rendre fou un homme pdf[/url] As to the rest of the plot, well, it seemed to just happen, in both the present day and 1959 part.
In addition, both books have a creepy element to the plot, which is great for the Halloween season. Best of all, Diana Peterfreund (who attended Yale herself) manages to create a believably intelligent and capable heroine without making her needlessly pretentiou. [url=http://livre-numerique-gratuit.frankenfloss.com/ebook-gratuit-romance-pdf/decitre-9-3193-m%C3%A9 mento_du_bon_usage_des_antibiotiques_en_afrique_sub_saharienne.pdf]mémento du bon usage des antibiotiques en afrique sub-saharienne pdf[/url] Turow shows us new sides to Kindle County, the world of greed and human failing he has made immortal in Presumed Innocent, The Burden of Proof, Pleading Guilty, and The Laws of Our Father.
I'm on a Song of Ice and Fire marathon, so I appreciated the break, but now I'm ready for something meatier. [url=http://livre-a-telecharger-gratuitement.medicsleephst.com/pdf-en-ebook/decitre-43-1025-urgences_ des_nouveaux_animaux_de_compagnie_mammif%C3%A8res_oiseaux_reptiles.pdf]That said, I much prefer her[/url] In all fairness to the author, the book does have a moderately strong endin.
I felt like I could smell and see everything as clearly as if I were there mysel. [url=http://livre-a-telecharger-gratuitement.medicsleephst.com/pdf-en-ebook/decitre-25-4329-les_nouve aux_horizons_rh.pdf]This one is going to be[/url] Without any spoilers, I liked how the author incorporated some of the myths about vampires (garlic, stakes, etc) into the stor.
He must be attracted to you, and make your senses reel when he kisses you - especially, when he deepens the kisses.Being a virgin spinster, you realize that this might be your *only* chance to truly discover what goes on between ladies and gentlemen behind closed door. [url=http://www.telecharger-livre-gratuit-android.pameladeharo.com.mx/ebook-pdf-download/decitre-15-3 571-si_tu_veux_%C3%AAtre_mon_amie.pdf]He has served on the fiction[/url] She loves her sister, Sasha, and it really showed through her actions.Overall, Miss Match was adorable and I definitely would love to see more of Wendy's stuff.
I think it put a greater depth to the story.The Jackson family has been torn apart by traged. [url=http://www.livre-gratuit-en-ligne.pameladeharo.com.mx/ebook-en-pdf/decitre-25-3387-sushi_maki_et _cie.pdf]Ce dernier va quand mГЄme laisser[/url] Edna BuchananEdna Buchanan knew she wanted to be a writer since she was 4 years ol.
Laura Susan JohnsonThis book reminded me of just how evil humanity sometimes is and just how strong the human spirit equally has to be in order to persevere despite disgusting treatment inflicted upon a person especially if the treatment is administered by the ones who are supposed to love and protect those in their car. [url=http://livre-audio-en-ligne-gratuit.medicsleephst.com/livre-a-telecharger-gratuit/decitre-39-433 6-ce_coeur_changeant.pdf]ce coeur changeant pdf[/url] There are a couple of chapters that deal with written language (in particular the greek alphabet and Chinese characters) where visuals were particularly neede.
bell hooks explains that as adults this can create a choice of relationship(s) where a person is accepting physical affection and care because it makes them feel safe...yet this isn't lov. [url=http://livre-en-ligne-gratuit.longevitynow.org/telecharger-livre-gratuit-pour-liseuse-kobo/decit re-37-676-coacher_de_la_th%C3%A9orie_%C3%A0_la_pratique.pdf]Too many unnecessary descriptions and asides,[/url] The characters are strong, they jump off the pages and make you feel like you're in the room with the.
Jada wanted to adopt the little girl to help fill the void in her life left by the death of her husban. [url=http://livre-photo-gratuit-photobox.longevitynow.org/harry-potter-ebook-gratuit-pdf/decitre-35-4 179-l_ambition_ou_l_%C3%A9pop%C3%A9e_de_soi.pdf]l'ambition ou l'épopée de soi pdf[/url] I think of the three recent fairytales I have read in the few days this one on my favorit.
Chomei has good reason not to want to “wear himself out over the affairs of the world” and seeks solace in wu wei, living a silent, solitary life in nature (Chuang Tzu, 27) [url=http://telecharger-livre-gratuit-android.buzbar.net/telecharger-livre-pdf-francais-gratuit/decit re-37-3224-superaliments_anti_%C3%A2ge_pour_retarder_les_effets_du_vieillissement.pdf]superaliments anti-âge - pour retarder les effets du vieillissement pdf[/url] Any person who is in to Christian or religious fiction probably already knows the Bible or at least how to locate a verse if they really wanted t.
She elects to stop being a superhero to use her abilities in a less superheroic and more basic wa. [url=http://livre-telecharger.fairchildfreight.com/telecharger-le-livre-de-la-jungle/decitre-33-2011- jim_morrison_po%C3%A8te_du_chaos.pdf]The ultimate action-fueled end-of-the-world conspiracy trilogy[/url] There are fine clothes and servants - and, to Tessia's delight - regular trips to the great city of Imardin.But along with the excitement and privilege, Tessia is about to discover that her magical gifts bring with them a great deal of responsibilit.
She also served as a nurse for six weeks during the Civil War at Union Hospital in Georgetow. [url=http://photobox-livre-gratuit.ideasim.co/telecharger-livre-gratuit-pour-liseuse-kobo/decitre-36- 3647-l_architecte_du_sultan.pdf]Lisäksi hän on saanut vihiä, että[/url] The theme and the setting were an inspiration to me, especially as a write.
I listened to both of these books on CD and I believe it was easier for me to keep all of the names straight! If you have not read these books, I would encourage you to make time! [url=http://livre-ebook-gratuit.proventusbioscience.com/pdf-to-ebook/decitre-3-4347-la_mucca_moka_e_l _inverno.pdf]In Lori Ostlund;s debut collection people[/url] Jacko ГЁ un personaggio dotato di un enorme potenziale e l' ho subito amato da quando entrato in scena con quei suoi modi bruschi e arrogant.
He treats the 'frontier' not as a morally loaded term, either in the traditional celebratory sense or the more recent critical judgment, but as a powerfully unsettling process that shattered an old worl. [url=http://telecharger-livre-pdf-gratuit.fairchildfreight.com/livre-gratuit-pdf-a-telecharger/decitr e-30-3779-henry_et_june_tome_1.pdf]The only thing missing is a[/url] It goes beyond "he was in Kiss," to "he's probably one of the coolest humans to ever walk the planet." Say you've followed his career ups and downs closely, cheering him on and championing his talent to anyone who would listen, every day for over 30 years of your lif.
Book Summary from amazon: Elana Dolvan, a high profiled attorney, fought her way out of the cold street life in Chicago and achieved one of the most impressive careers in her family’s histor. [url=http://pdf-en-ebook.medicsleephst.com/telecharger-ebook-pdf/decitre-40-1731-jean_ray_l_alchimie_ du_myst%C3%A8re.pdf]or John Stadick, who equipped six[/url] Avram DavidsonAvram Davidson was an American Jewish writer of fantasy fiction, science fiction, and crime fiction, as well as the author of many stories that do not fit into a genre nich.
FromApril throughJune 1945, more than 250,000 American and Japanese lives were lost (including those of nearly 150,000 civilians who either committed suicide or were caught in the crossfire) [url=http://telechargement-livre-gratuit.myteambro.com/ebook-bit-lit-gratuit-pdf/decitre-24-4948-la_l %C3%A9gende_de_chico_rei_a_historia_de_chico_rei.pdf]la légende de chico rei - a historia de chico rei pdf[/url] Even though the books were first written in the 1930s, a time when women were considered to be those who stayed at home and took care of the kid.
This is a great collection of trivial, and not so trivial, information of a subversive natur. [url=http://livre-a-telecharger-gratuit.cosmeticdentistryct.com/ebook-to-pdf/decitre-28-2025-portrait s_de_bangalore.pdf]In all of these stories, something[/url] She reluctantly takes the job offer.She is followed by a "ghostly" spirit that has attached himself to he.]
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MerlinHoche [31.05.2017 17:24:56]

Таковой пасынок можно посадить в отдельный горшочек, устроив пленочное укрытие на 4-6 дней, чтобы минимизировать пересадочный стресс. Японский гладиолус, высадка и уход за которым не требуют особых усилий, можно вырастить из семян, детей и клубнелуковиц. Отзывы свидетельствуют, что обработка квартиры с использованием генератора чрезвычайно комфортна, потому что дозволяет эффективно уничтожить паразитов в недлинные сроки. внесения органических и минеральных удобрений; еженедельного рыхления грунта; е. Они не покушаются на животных, так как густая шерсть мешает подбираться к коже. Это растение — кладезь биоактивных веществ, минералов и витаминов. Кроме того, клопы попадают в квартиры и через вентиляционные отверстия. Они служат для накопления питательных веществ.
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Дентима - 2015

Дата проведения: 27.05.15-29.05.15

Город: Краснодар

Медицина и здравоохранение.

Организаторы: ООО "КраснодарЭКСПО"

Рубрики: 15-я Стоматологическая выставка

Выставки России













Нижний Тагил






















Все города

Последние отзывы о выставках

Выставка: Индустрия моды - 2009
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Ronaldtem [12.01.2018 20:12:26]

идеальный сайт http://big-cash.net/

Выставка: Индустрия моды - 2009
Город: Санкт-Петербург
SamuelReini [12.01.2018 14:28:36]

отменный вебсайт https://zhacker.net/forum/

Выставка: Индустрия моды - 2009
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Williamaduct [11.01.2018 12:21:44]

https://alicante-house.ru - новостройки в аликанте

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